miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011


Watch the following videos and draw your own conclusion...

Beauty and Atractiveness:

Beauty and Business:

Beauty and Politics:


2 comentarios:

  1. The beauty has always been a topic for question, because more people believe that it is more important than other things in our life, therefore, we can see or hear more researches about it. The beauty concept and meaning change depending on the space and the context, but generally, the cultures and communities have specific stereotypes and archetypes. However, the western culture has influenced in some appearances as thin bodies, pleasant faces, and behaviors that are very important in situations as interviews or works. For example the video which shows a statistic of American and Canadian people or the importance of qualities that must have a person that wants to be a president as pleasant faces, powerful figure or good communication. I agree with it because is true that “All things enter at first through eyes” but the intelligent is necessary too, thus, both are the perfect combination.

  2. For many people the beauty is very important because it sometimes is a reflection about their personality or their skills, the people are evaluated for their beauty but it is a mistake. The beauty has become an icon of triumph and success. The meaning of beauty depends of the context, the culture, the behaviors and the other things,but the most important meaning is the one that gives each according to what they considered to be beautiful.
