viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Check out this video... what's the message? Do you like it? Write a critic comment about it!

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7 comentarios:

  1. I like it. It shows us the reality faced by people who are considered different by certain characteristics. As they close the doors to job opportunities and likewise, interpersonal rejection in society. As comes the hope and the difference we can see that we can be different but also equal, because we are all individuals.

  2. Nowadays, the society classifies people according to their power or money. Discrimination is the approach that the author relies. Is very sad, because this person had a great qualities however the society didn´t appreciate that things. The end of the video is very emotional and gives us a life lesson. The great people achieve great achievements.

  3. I think it shows the reality of our society and how it works. We can see how in this society our lifes are planned for the system since we were born but in our actions is the way to find a better life than life that they gave to us, and life that they are gonna give to our children.

  4. I like it. It's Very touching. I could see the reality because There are many people that discriminate to the others for their physical appearance and they don't see the problematic and the consecuences these involve. and they don't see that everybody's equal and deserve the same respect

  5. I like it because y I considerer that actually many people are despised only because are different, but the true is that the differences make us unique and special.
    This video reflects the reality that we must change society to respect and live in harmony together.

  6. I saw the video and I liked because it has creative elements and the topic is very related with the people´s discrimination for physics appearances, the differences between thoughts, behaviors or beliefs, in others. We can obverse too, the importance of qualities such as the persistence, the hope and the patience; moreover is interesting to see how is used the Zero, because it’s a number that reflect not only the beginning but also the final of things; it´s an enigmatic and mysterious number because symbolize nothing and the void.

  7. Wonderful video, teaches us that stigma and discrimination are the result of an ingnorant and intolerant society. and, That love is the greatest treasure.
