domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

TED Conference

Watch this conference:

In "The Spirit Level," Richard Wilkinson charts data that proves societies that are more equal are healthier, happier societies.

If you want to use the subtitles in English, that's possibe and useful to train yourself and improve your listening comprehension.


a. Write 3 main conclusions.
b. Write down new words and expressions.
c. What's the place of Colombia and Colombian society according to this conference?

Hope you find this interesting!

1 comentario:

    + The author shows that some index and data about inequality are relatives in comparison to gross national income and economic growth. For instance, countries as USA and Norway presents a similar gross national, however, USA have higher level of inequality, health and social problems than Norway.
    +The indexes showed by Richard Wilkinson are related with life expectancy, child well-being, social mobility, health and social problems and population welfare.
    +The author considers that is very important to think in population health and welfare to reduce the inequality; for example, it´s necessary to research requirements and needs to each country because each one has specific problems.

    b. New words and expressions.
    -Hierarchy: a ranking system ordered according to status or authority.
    -Self-esteem: A person’s being that distinguishes them from others, introspecting or reflexing his action.
    -Gross National Income: In Spanish PBI.
    -Perhead: Per person
    -Sort: A category of people or things with a common feature.
    -Endless: Innumerable, without end or finish.

    c. What's the place of Colombia and Colombian society according to this conference?
    To Analyse that conference, the place of Colombia doesn´t appear because it conferences are focused on EU and industrialized countries. According to it, developing countries as Colombia have additional problems to inequality and are more difficult to compare with that kind of countries; for instance our country has bigger differences than Japan or Scandinavian countries respect to violence or education problems, in other.
